Frequency depends on your goals, lifestyle and current fitness level. Those new or returning to exercise should aim for two to three workouts each week allowing you to build your fitness level while giving your body time to recover. As your body adjusts, you can add more (and longer) workouts to your weekly schedule! When your fitness increases, you might be doing between four and six workouts each week.

In addition to gym workouts, add in gentle movements like walking, cycling, stretching or yoga to stay active throughout the week.

What time of day is best to work out? 

The best time to work out is whenever you can fit it in! Have a look at your schedule and figure out what time of day is best for you.

If your routine is flexible, think about when you feel most energetic, or when you would prefer to exercise. Morning workouts can be an energising way to start the day for some, while others prefer working out in the afternoons or evenings. 

Consistency is what matters, so focus on working out when it works best for you, which will make it more enjoyable and easier to stick to!

How long should my workout last? 

Adults should move more and sit less throughout the day. Some physical activity is better than none. Adults who sit less and do any amount of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity gain some health benefits.

Physical activity is anything that gets your body moving. Each week adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 2 days of muscle strengthening activity

We know 150 minutes of physical activity each week sounds like a lot, but you don’t have to do it all at once. It could be 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. You can spread your activity out during the week and break it up into smaller chunks of time.

Workouts can be as short as 10 minutes with longer workouts taking you around 45 minutes to complete. Remember, something is better than nothing! Even fitting in a daily walk can help you reach your fitness goals.

150 minute Workout Duration

Should I warm up before my workouts?

In a word - Yes! It can be tempting to get straight into your workout, especially if you’re in a hurry, but a proper warm-up is important. 

Warming up and cooling down may help reduce your risk of injury and improve performance. The warm-up prepares your body for activity, raises your body temperature and increases blood flow to your muscles.

There are many different ways to warm up, but some common options include:

  • Light cardio: This could include walking, jogging, or cycling at a moderate pace for a few minutes.

  • Dynamic stretches: These are stretches that involve movement, such as leg swings or arm circles. These can help loosen up your muscles and improve your range of motion.

  • Specific exercises: If you're planning to do a specific type of exercise, such as lifting weights or running, you can do a few reps or laps at a lower intensity to warm up your muscles.

It's important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard during your warm-up. The goal is to prepare your body for exercise, not to tire it out. A good rule of thumb is to spend 5-10 minutes warming up before starting your workout.

Should I do strength training, cardio or both? 

It is generally recommended to include a combination of both strength training and cardio exercise in your fitness routine. 

Strength training, also known as resistance training, involves using weights or other types of resistance to work your muscles. It can help improve muscle strength and tone, bone density, and metabolism. It can also help with weight management, as muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue.

Cardio exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, involves activities that get your heart rate up and increase your breathing, such as running, cycling, and swimming. Cardio exercise can help improve cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, and improve mood and mental health.

According to the American Cancer Society, two to three strength-based workouts each week can result in significant health benefits, such as increased muscle mass, stronger bones, boosted metabolism, better posture, balance and joint flexibility. Research shows it also can boost heart health and have a positive impact on your mental health.

Incorporating both strength training and cardio into your fitness routine can help you achieve a well-rounded level of physical fitness. It's generally recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise per week, as well as two or more days of strength training that targets all major muscle groups. It is highly recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified fitness trainer to determine the best exercise plan for your individual needs and goals. 

Should I lift weights for strength training? 

Resistance training is how you increase your muscle mass, strength and overall health. Gitfitters enjoy weight training with gym machines or free weights such as dumbbells, kettlebells or a barbell, while others prefer bodyweight workouts. 

Lifting weights is a common and effective way to strength train, but it is not the only option. There are many different types of strength training exercises that you can do, and the best approach for you will depend on your fitness goals, experience level, and any physical limitations you may have.

Here are a few options for strength training exercises that don't involve lifting weights:

  • Bodyweight exercises: These exercises use your own body weight as resistance, and can include push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks.

  • Resistance bands: These flexible bands provide resistance when you stretch them, and can be used to perform a variety of strength training exercises.

  • Suspension training: Suspension training systems, such as TRX, use your own body weight and gravity to provide resistance. They can be used to perform a wide range of strength training exercises.

  • Calisthenics: These exercises involve using your own body weight to perform movements such as squats, lunges, and push-ups.

Experiment and figure out what you enjoy the most!

A certified fitness can help you determine the right mix of exercises and the appropriate intensity and duration for your workouts.

What should I do when getting through my workouts is a struggle?

It's normal to have days when working out is a struggle, and there are a few things you can try to help you get through your workouts:

  • Modify exercises: Change the difficulty, duration or repetitions of an exercise, such as completing push-ups on your knees instead of your toes.

  • Set realistic goals: If you're trying to do too much too soon, it can be overwhelming and make working out feel like a struggle. Consider setting more achievable goals and gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts as you become more fit.

  • Find a workout partner: Having someone to work out with can provide motivation and support to help you get through your workouts.

  • Change up your routine: If you're feeling bored with your workouts, try mixing things up by trying new exercises or activities. This can help keep you engaged and motivated.

  • Take breaks: If you're feeling exhausted, it's okay to take breaks during your workout. You can also try breaking your workout into shorter, more manageable sessions throughout the day.

  • Focus on the benefits: Remind yourself why you're working out and the benefits you're gaining from it. This can help you stay motivated and overcome any struggles you may be experiencing.

If you're consistently struggling to get through your workouts or are feeling very fatigued, it may be a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying health issues.


301 W. 1st St, Idalou, Texas 79329 806.955.8915

Let us help

Whether you're an existing member or just want to visit, we're here to help. 

You're welcome to call or text (preferred) anytime.  Even better, connect with us on social media.

We look forward to having fun getting fit together at gitfit.

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Many reason to join us!

New members are joining gitfit because:
 ✓ Close to home - no need to drive into Lubbock
 ✓ Healthier Body = Happiness
 ✓ Clean, safe workout space
 ✓ Stress relief
 ✓ Work out with family and friends
 ✓ Improve flexibility, balance and overall fitness level


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  • 5,226

    WORKOUTS (2021)

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    gitfit Zone

    301 W. 1st Street
    idalou, tx 79329




    About Us

    Everyone knows that exercise is good for you. At gitfit, we provide a convenient, clean and fun facility so everyone in the community has access to an affordable fitness experience. 

    Serving communities: Idalou, Roosevelt, Lorenzo, Slaton, Ralls, Buffalo Springs, Ransom Canyon, New Deal, Abernathy, Petersburg and Crosbyton


    Popular equipment options:

    Smith Machine: for self-spotting lifts

    TRX Straps: for bodyweight exercise

    Kettlebell weights: up to 25lbs

    Rogue Bumper Plates: for Olympic lifts