
Members, guests and visitors must understand and acknowledge the risks involved in gym fitness activity prior to using the facility. The waiver serves as a legal agreement in which the member acknowledges the risks involved and agrees to assume responsibility for any harm or injury that may result.

There are various hazards associated with gym fitness activities, including:

  • Physical injury: Overuse of equipment, improper technique, and lack of proper warm-up can lead to a range of physical injuries, such as sprains, strains, and muscle tears.

  • Equipment failure: There is a risk of equipment failure, such as weights dropping or machines malfunctioning, which can result in injury.

  • Slips, trips and falls: Cluttered walkways, fatigue and distractions can lead to slips, trips, and falls.

  • Contaminants: Improper cleaning and maintenance of equipment can result in the spread of bacteria, germs, and viruses.

  • Heat-related illness: Strenuous exercise can result in dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and other heat-related illnesses.


By signing the waiver, members acknowledge these and other potential hazards and accept the risks involved in participating in fitness activities at the gym.

Electronic Signature

To streamline the process, gitfit offers fully electronic digital signatures for waivers. Users can open a link on their phone, review and sign the waiver in just a minute or two. Please make sure to fully understand the waiver. We encourage users to ask questions and get clarification before signing the waiver. 

Guests and Visitors

gitfit encourages members to bring guests and introduce them to the facility. There is a charge for the standard Day Pass but the fee can by waived in certain circumstances. All guests and visitors must have a current waiver on file. 

301 W. 1st St, Idalou, Texas 79329 806.955.8915

Let us help

Whether you're an existing member or just want to visit, we're here to help. 

You're welcome to call or text (preferred) anytime.  Even better, connect with us on social media.

We look forward to having fun getting fit together at gitfit.

Pricing     Signup

Many reason to join us!

New members are joining gitfit because:
 ✓ Close to home - no need to drive into Lubbock
 ✓ Healthier Body = Happiness
 ✓ Clean, safe workout space
 ✓ Stress relief
 ✓ Work out with family and friends
 ✓ Improve flexibility, balance and overall fitness level


  • 153


  • 5,226

    WORKOUTS (2021)

  • 2,090,400



    gitfit Zone

    301 W. 1st Street
    idalou, tx 79329




    About Us

    Everyone knows that exercise is good for you. At gitfit, we provide a convenient, clean and fun facility so everyone in the community has access to an affordable fitness experience. 

    Serving communities: Idalou, Roosevelt, Lorenzo, Slaton, Ralls, Buffalo Springs, Ransom Canyon, New Deal, Abernathy, Petersburg and Crosbyton


    Popular equipment options:

    Smith Machine: for self-spotting lifts

    TRX Straps: for bodyweight exercise

    Kettlebell weights: up to 25lbs

    Rogue Bumper Plates: for Olympic lifts